I promise that every single blog post from now on will not be ranting (I will recap Little Smiles Monte Carlo night at some point, as well as plug some other stuff that I'm doing), but for now, I have more to rant about!
Bad Restaurant Service: If you hate your job so much that you are not courteous to your customers or give me some kind of attitude, then don't be a server or a host. Really, I don't care what happened to you to make you so miserable, but this is your job. Take it seriously, like I take my job. If you respect me, I will respect you. Don't hate me because I only tip you 10 or 15% (most times you are lucky I leave any tip at all). You didn't deserve the normal 20-25% that I tip for good service. I don't care if you are in school or have multiple kids to raise. I've got school loans and a bunch of other crap to take care of too. If you can't do your job, why do you deserve extra from me? I got bills to pay too and I work hard to make my money.
That being said, I always try to set the standard from the onset. I thank my server for bringing my water, giving me my menu, taking my order and bringing anything else that I request. Even when I'm in a bad mood, I smile and do not take it out on my server (that's what my husband is for, haha).
Bad Dealership Service: If I were to write out all my experiences, it would take you years to read it. Instead, I will request one thing from them - "Active listening". And also, let me know what's going on. Don't let me leave the dealership thinking I got an oil change, when in fact, the oil was not changed.
Driving in the rain: OMG it's only rain! How many times do we get rain here? Often enough for you to know how to drive in it. Doesn't mean you have to drive 35 mph on the expressway. Doesn't mean you need to stop 30 feet behind the car in front of you. Doesn't mean you need to tap your breaks every 2 feet. And please, turn on your headlights. For some reason, it's the people driving 35 mph on the expressway that don't have their headlights on, and if you are driving a normal speed, you almost rear end them (and then in this wonderful state, you are always at fault for the person in front of you being a jackass).
Donating to national/worldwide organizations: Don't get me wrong, these are completely worthwhile causes, but some non-profits are already well off. I understand that $25 can go a long way (if a gazillion people donate). I completely support these organizations. But if you don't have much to give, but want to, look around you, in your own backyard. Try to help those organizations that are in your local area. By helping these causes, you are helping your own community. And that $25 - from you alone - does go a long way. Local non-profits who are actually hands on, with a volunteer staff, are the ones that need your donation the most. Those are the non-profits I look to donate to or to volunteer with (LittleSmiles.org plug!)
'til next time!