Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What makes you think I'll blog....

Ok, so I'm enormously bad at keeping up with these things. Yes, I do have a myspace, facebook, orkut, etc., account but do I ever do anything with them? No, not really. I just happen to forget all the time that they exist. But, I've started this blog mainly because I have lots of ideas to share when it comes to event planning. This comes to light because I now am planning both my engagement and wedding at the moment. The big "engagement day" is November 3rd, which is traditional to schedule. Hence, I'm "unofficially" engaged until that date. Next blog will talk about the tradition involved and my "fun" planning to date. Welcome to my blog, or rather, lack of blogging....


Angela said...

You are only starting a blog because you are jealous I have one. BITCH! Whahaha! I did invite you to blog on mine though. No sisterly love.

Angela said...

You are only starting a blog because you are jealous I have one. BITCH! Whahaha! I did invite you to blog on mine though. No sisterly love.

Mai said...

Pooh to you. Actually, Sophie poo to you.